Hi there. Let me start by saying that although I fled the cold and now live in Southern Florida, I am and will always be a New England girl at heart. It's wicked important that you know this. Anyway, I was born in Fall River, Massachusetts but grew up in Tiverton, Rhode Island & Southeastern Massachusetts.
Fun fact: Fall River is the only city in the U.S. to have its city hall located over an interstate highway. Kind of cool until the concrete slabs from the tunnel's ceiling underneath started falling onto the cars traveling below. Don't worry, no one died.
After attending Tiverton's superbly adequate public school system, I headed off to the big city to attend New York University. Studying communications with a concentration in mass media, I graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in spring of 2006.

After graduation, I found my way into NYC's advertising & production world at MacGuffin Films. However, after receiving my first job offer, I realized the accompanying salary may be better suited to a slightly more affordable city. So I packed my bags and began a new life in San Fransisco! Kidding! That's way more expensive.
New England's siren song was soft & sweet and I could no longer ignore its melody. Boston was more than a feeling, it was home.
The advertising community in Boston was thriving and as Client Services Manager at Rumblestrip Audio, part of National Boston's one-stop shop for everything from pre-production, to filming, audio and video post, with any graphics or animation in between. I became a part of the amazing Boston advertising community and made my way to the mega ad agency, Arnold Worldwide. I was assigned to the national McDonald's account as a producer to their many regional markets across the country.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. At Arnold, I was able to recognize what were emerging as my strongest skills - writing, marketing, creative collaboration, even event planning. But putting that energy toward a brand I was less than enthusiastic about was not something I was interested in. It turns out, I actually cared about what I was working to achieve and wanted to use my skills for something I believed in. I left the prestige and comfort of agency life and became a "Sure!" person. Whenever an exciting opportunity would present itself, be it writing for a tech company, event planning at a large Boston venue, or marketing for an artistic robot-based start-up, I was in.
While working with a friend from NYU doing a play in Boston, I was introduced to the playwright's sister who demanded that her sister hire me "for something". Having no idea what she did, I agreed to meet up and learned that she was looking for someone to head rebranding, marketing, social media, web content, PR and event planning for her restaurant in Boca Raton. Three months later, there I was in SoFlo rocking all of the above.
I loved that the job allowed me to switch hats at any given moment and am grateful for the opportunity to have run on all cylinders for so long. Being able to utilize all of my experience in one position was a thrill, but the service industry life was not for me. Bless your heart if it is, by the way. After years of getting the restaurant settled and tying up marketing and operations into a self-sufficient bow, I was out to pursue what I've always wanted to do -- just write.
Cut to now. Writing has always been my first love and is the only thing I enjoy doing as much as I excel at it. Work isn't work if you love what you do, right? After so much time of doing it all, I am happy to be focusing on my one true passion. So, I'm here to collaborate with you. Check out some of my work and tell me about your project. If you're not sure what you need, let's chat and figure it out together. Head on over to the Contact Me page and fire away. I look forward to it. Ok, bye.